Give in thanks, in memory, in honour, or in celebration
Did you know you can leave even 1% to the Graeme Dingle Foundation in your Will, so those closest to you inherit 99%?
If you (or a loved one) have been part of the Graeme Dingle Foundation community, you’ll have experienced the exceptional difference the Foundation makes first-hand. Making a gift to us in your Will ensures we can continue delivering on our mission to deliver positive youth development programmes to tamariki and rangatahi that are proven to bring positive change and have a lasting impact on their well-being. A gift in a Will can be a meaningful way to honour, celebrate, or memorialise the life of a loved one or someone who has been important to you. Whether you would like the simplicity of an online donation form, would like donation envelopes for your special event, or would like to set up a tribute space to share stories and photos, there’s an option to make it easy for you.
Why leave a Gift in your Will?
Leaving a gift in your will is a very special way you can keep on caring for people into the future. It will ensure that the Graeme Dingle Foundation will always be there to help young people realise potential now and into the future. No matter how big or small, it is a way of giving that effectively costs you nothing during your lifetime and yet continues to help others well beyond your lifetime.
“We have been long-term admirers of the work of the Graeme Dingle Foundation because of the successful outcomes they have achieved for the young people of New Zealand. They change attitudes and behaviours so young people can overcome any obstacle life throws at them and have the opportunity to realise potential. Leaving a Gift in your Will enables the Foundation to continue into the future. We are very happy to support them and help them achieve this long-term goal and we encourage others to do the same.” – Anonymous Donor
Click here and talk to us about the many ways we can help to arrange these types of recognition gifts in Wills, so the memory of them and their life will prevail.
Together, we can strive towards making Aotearoa the best place in the world to be young.

How to leave a Gift in your Will
Learn more about the steps on how to leave a Gift in your Will and find out more about the options available to you.
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Our Commitment to you
While including a gift to the Graeme Dingle Foundation Forever Fund is a simple process, we thoroughly recommend you consult your financial and/or legal advisors when drafting or changing your Will. If you are considering leaving a gift, we’ve provided suggested Will wording to share with your advisor, ensuring your wishes are carried out.
Learn more