Platinum Partners

Bidfood LogoKathmandu LogoLion LogoSanitarium Logo

Gold Partners

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Stride Logo

Silver Partners

AJ Park LogoK-Mart Logo

Bronze Partners

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In-Kind Partners

Brightstar LogoChapman Tripp LogoFuji Film LogoMyHR Logo

Trust and Foundations

Dines Family Trust                              Douglas Charitable Trust                              R&S Kayne Foundation New Zealand

Aotearoa Gaming Trust logoawhero nui charitable trust logoMilford Foundation LogoSimplicity Foundation Logo

Government Partners

What Our Supporters Say

  • Sanford
  • Stride
  • Bidfood
  • Lion


Sanford has been a proud partner of the Graeme Dingle Foundation for over 20 years.

Helping to fund the Graeme Dingle Foundation is one way we show care for our communities. We’re proud to be part of the proven programmes which nurture young and at-risk New Zealanders aged between five and 18 years, help them through obstacles, and give them the self-resilience to succeed – to navigate.

As well as funding, we have hands-on involvement, giving teenagers insights into career opportunities in our industry, and taking the message of marine sustainability into schools. Our volunteers from within Sanford see the foundation’s work – and their results – and love being involved.

Peter Longdill,  GM of Sustainability, Sanford 

“It was amazing. Just amazing. I have never seen a group of kids that age so focused and well behaved.  How much do I wish there had been Kiwi Can in my kids’ primary school!!”

Fiona Macmillan, Sanford


Stride is proud to have been a long-term partner of the Graeme Dingle Foundation.  In addition to financial support, our employees enjoy the opportunity to be involved in supporting the Foundation through participating in volunteer days, being part of the Drop Your Boss event and attending the Excellence awards each year.  Hearing the positive and often transformational impact that the Foundation has had on the lives of many young people over the years is inspiring and impressive.  We are really pleased to be a partner of the Graeme Dingle Foundation, and the fantastic work that it undertakes supporting the youth of New Zealand.

Philip Littlewood, CEO Stride Property Limited


At Bidfood, we are extremely proud of our 15 years association with the Graeme Dingle Foundation and that we have been able to support their efforts to make New Zealand the best place in the world to be young!  We have seen how the Foundation has brought joy to children, provided support and direction to those in need and has equipped young people to face the challenges of adulthood.  The passion and professionalism of the GDF team make them a pleasure and a privilege to work alongside, and we look forward to many more years together!

Phil Struckmann, Chief Executive Officer, Bidfood


The Graeme Dingle Foundation makes a meaningful difference in the lives of thousands of young kiwis and their extended communities. The work of the Foundation benefits us all and we take great pride in our relationship, knowing that the work they do is backed up by evidence and research, and delivered by a highly engaged team who truly understands the meaning of partnership.

Sara Tucker, External Relations Director, Lion New Zealand