It’s all about respect

It’s all about *respect*

Welcome back to Term 4! Kiwi Can Programnme - Respect

In Kiwi Can this term our focus is on respect.

We’re exploring with the children about how respect means

“treating people, things and places as important”.

Although all aspects of respect are hugely important, for this term we’ll be focussing more on respect for people. (At Kiwi Can we aim to look at the different sides of a topic each time, so we are always expanding on our children’s knowledge and challenging them with different ideas and angles to each topic!)

We’ll begin the term by exploring what respect means and what showing respect might look like.

We’re excited to help the children discover what it means to be proud of themselves, and how to respect themselves. Then we’ll move on to exploring ideas about respecting others – challenging stereotypes, thinking and acting with empathy, and treating others the way we want to be treated.

As the term continues we’ll go on to learn about communicating with respect. For our younger tamariki this will include ideas about taking turns talking and listening – while with older students we’ll go deeper and look at appropriate ways to communicate with people that are different to us.

Ideas to talk about

In the words of Aretha Franklin “R-E-S-P-E-C-T – Find out what it means to me…”

You can help support the children in your life with their learning by having conversations about:

  • What does respect mean for your family?
  • Is it always the same in every environment?
  • Is it the same in every house?
  • In every culture?
  • What are some of the ways people at your house have acted respectfully this week? Have a chat about this. (It is always great to ‘catch’ kids doing the right thing and comment on it – and to role model it yourself too of course!).
  • If you don’t agree with someone’s ideas or think they are silly, how can you show empathy or respect?
  • Who are some people you know (local or famous people) who have shown respect – or earned respect – recently?


What people are saying about Kiwi Can in Marlborough:

“What an amazing resource this is for our community. Here’s a solution that is absolutely [the ambulance] at top of the cliff. It’s building those key messages for our tamariki, because we know for many of them they’re not getting this at home…How do we get this happening in 100% of our schools?!”

Mike Henderson, Director of Marlborough Children’s Team and Chair of Marlborough Violence Intervention Programme

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