Powering up positive relationships in Term 1!

Kandoo Kiwi and friend, positive relationships

Welcome back to a new school year and a new term of learning! It’s all about positive relationships in Kiwi Can for Term 1, and we’re so excited to get things underway.

Positive Relationships

Kiwi Can theme, positive relationships

We’re exploring with the children about how positive relationships are about:

“working and playing in safe and thoughtful ways with others”

The idea of ‘positive relationships’ is obviously a big topic, with lots of different parts to it – and so for this term we’ll be focussing on fairness and fair play, moving on to conflict resolution, and leadership and role modelling.

(At Kiwi Can we aim to look at the different sides of a topic each time, so we are always expanding on our children’s knowledge and challenging them with different ideas and angles to each topic!)

Along the way we’ll be learning to recognise where conflict is likely to occur, as well as learning and practising strategies to resolve conflict. Our tamariki will also be practising being good role models as we lead others.

Ideas to talk about

You can help support the children in your life with their learning by having conversations about:

  • What does it mean to have a “positive relationship” with someone (for your family)?
  • What are some ways we can work and play together safely and thoughtfully with friends? What about with people we don’t get on with so well?
  • Why should we “play fair”?
  • What are some ways we can be a good sport?
  • What are some of the best ways we can deal with conflict?
  • What makes a good leader?
  • What does a good leader do?
  • Who do you know that is a good role model?


What people are saying about Kiwi Can in Marlborough:

“I have learnt things from Kiwi Can that will stay with me for life. They are very important things that I think everyone needs to learn.”

Ashelyn, Kiwi Can student, Marlborough