Supporting youth in Tauranga

Project K students learning to surf

Source: SunLive

A new initiative is being launched to help support child and youth services in the Western Bay of Plenty.

The Graeme Dingle Foundation’s Vouchers for Good booklets have been distributed around our community and are completely free.

“We’ve got 35 businesses on board and they all offer a discount – whenever a voucher is redeemed the business gives us a donation,” says Graeme Dingle Foundation business development manager Charlotte Brown.

“It’s a win-win situation and all of the money goes toward our programmes in the region.”

Now that summer and Christmas is just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to make the most of the vouchers, says Charlotte.

“We’ve got loads and loads of gifts that would be great for Christmas gifting and for activities in the holidays.”

There are a range of businesses on board including Dolphin Seafari, Hibiscus Surf School, Mini Golf & Jeeps Tauranga, Epidermis & Sage – Holistic Skin Therapy, Diamond & Co jewellers, Kowhai Interiors, My Ride Te Puke and much more. What better way to give to friends and whanau while also gifting to the community’s youth?

The WBOP branch of the Graeme Dingle Foundation runs four programmes including: Kiwi Can, Stars, Project K and Career Navigator.

“We support 3800 tamariki and rangatahi each week and the programmes aim at building self-belief and resilience – giving young people the tools to have brighter futures,” says Charlotte.

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