Source: Blenheim Sun

Career Navigator coordinator with the Graeme Dingle Foundation Marlborough

  • What food do you crave most often?


  • When you have had a bad day, what do you do to feel better?

I spend time playing with my three and six-year-old children, laugh, and remember what’s important in life.

  • What was cool when you were young but isn’t now?

Ace of Base!

  • Who has been the biggest inspiration in your life?

My dad inspired me to help people live their best lives.

  • What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?

That’s tough! Can I choose two? Santorini in Greece and the Marlborough Sounds of course.

  • What was the last photo you took?

The kids on the Endeavour at Tuia 250 in Picton.

  • What thing do you really wish you could buy right now?

Well leading up to Christmas I have been thinking about this one… a coffee machine.

  • What is the best or worst purchase you’ve ever made?

Worst purchase: when I was younger I bought a dud car that kept costing me money!

  • Favourite programme currently watching?

I love watching replays of The Blacklist – I’m waiting for the latest series to be released on Netflix.

  • What fashion trend makes you laugh or cringe?

I’m really not a fan of the mullet.