What we do

  • Strategy
  • Futureopoly Report 2023
  • Futureopoly Report 2022
  • Outcome Report 2022


Our vision is that all young people will know themselves (their worth, their values, and what fulfils them), where they come from (their whakapapa) and have a sense of belonging. They will have skills and strategies to experience positive relationships, think freely, have their voice heard and navigate challenges with resilience.

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Futureopoly Report 2023

Futureopoly is a Graeme Dingle Foundation initiative designed to enable young people to get connected, be inspired, and feel empowered to choose a vocational career pathway that has meaning for them. The event was developed in response to the large number of students lacking knowledge of local opportunities which can offer rewarding pathways. Futureopoly uses gamification to connect students face-to-face in a fun and interactive way with highly engaged local employers who are energised about sharing their insights and experiences from the world of work and inspiring students with their passion for their mahi.

Students attending were selected based on not having made a decision about their career and would benefit from exploring local earn while you learn opportunities. We are delighted to share this year’s events exceptional outcomes.

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Futureopoly Report 2022

Futureopoly is a one-day event aimed at offering secondary students a real-world taste of career opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise have the chance to experience, so they can build their confidence to make informed choices about their own career paths. Now in its third year, Futuropoly is an extension of our Career Navigator Programme which equips senior students for the world of work and grows their confidence to make career decisions.

This report evaluates the event held for students from across Hawke’s Bay on 31st May, funded by the Ministry of Education. The evaluation insights highlight opportunities for us to enhance the event experience for students and employers alike and, importantly, give us the opportunity to make recommendations for improving the impact of future career pathway events for Hawke’s Bay rangatahi.

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Outcome Report 2022

Read over our outcomes report for Kiwi Can, Stars Teina and Career Navigator.

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