Sun Live: Former Otumoetai College student succeeds

Sun Live, 27 Jun 2019

Jessica Rose Collins is a true success story, using her creativity and skills learnt through the Project K programme to help her overcome the obstacles that life has put in her way.

Jessica is just one of many alumni from the Graeme Dingle Foundation’s Project K – a 14 month programme designed to help build confidence, life skills and motivation in young people from Year 10.

She credits the programme with “saving her life”, and says “I honestly, with my whole heart, don’t think I would be alive today if it wasn’t for Project K.”

The aim of Project K is to arm rangatahi with a belief in their own ability to complete tasks, achieve goals, and to help them find purpose and direction, transforming their lives.

A former Otumoetai College student, Jess achieved excellence in Project K and went on to receive a national Excellence Award at Year 11. She also received the Graeme Dingle Foundation Alumni Excellence Award at Government House.

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