Our Outcomes Are Proven
At Graeme Dingle Foundation we have a research team that’s dedicated to evaluating and measuring programme outcomes around Aotearoa. This work provides an important evidence base which helps define and refine our programmes, so we’re always up-to-date, responsive and relevant.
To make sure our evaluation design and practices remain credible (and to provide opportunities for external evaluation projects), we work alongside the Universities and with research partners. We are also open to proposals for independent research projects from Masters and PhD students or other research agencies.
For more information on our research please refer below:
Annual Projects Summary 2024 – 2025
Annual Projects Summary 2022 – 2023
How our Programmes Impact our Young People
If you have any questions or would like access to any research, contact Julie Moore

Career Navigator Outcomes 2024
Our Research and Evaluation team completed a national analysis of our career self-efficacy measure, revealing some impressive results from our Career Navigator programme. We collected 106 surveys to see how the programme impacted Career Self-efficacy.
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Kiwi Can Longitudinal Study
In July 2023, we began a qualitative longitudinal research project to examine the impact of our Kiwi Can Programme on its participants, and how these effects evolve as tamariki progress through school. Our longitudinal study includes conducting individual interviews annually with the same cohort of tamariki from two schools, over four years.
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Silence to Strength
The Project K community-based programme broadens the reach of Project K to make it more accessible to rangatahi within targeted communities. A comprehensive final report describes the methodology used and the insights gained from a Graeme Dingle Foundation evaluation of the community-based programme.
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$1 = $10.50 in new Infometrics Report!
In a new study, the Graeme Dingle Foundation’s youth development programmes have been found to have a staggering $10.50 return for every dollar invested. We are proud of this Infometrics result and the impact it demonstrates for the nearly 30,000 young people who participate in our programmes each year.
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Kiwi Can & Stars Teina End of Year Evaluation
Recently the Research and Evaluation team conducted the Kiwi Can & Stars Teina End of Year Evaluation for 2023. A two page summary has been put together after receiving positive feedback and outcomes from teachers.
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Disengaged Youth
Our research has found that disengagement can lead to decreased confidence, motivation, and anxiety with the potential for long lasting consequences for the young person – and society. But intervention through youth development programmes can assist and support successful outcomes for participants.
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Impact of COVID-19
Young people were asked to share their experience of COVID-19. The Graeme Dingle Foundation wanted to give them an opportunity to share their story and show the ways in which they had faced the challenges of COVID-19 and the restrictions on their lives.
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Social Media Report 2019
This report summarises findings from a research project that examined the use of social media by young people aged 13 -24 year. Participants were asked about both the positive and negative impact of social media on their mental health and wellbeing and for their views on a number of policy recommendations.
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How well are graduates doing post Project K?
Our Research and Evaluation team was asked to conduct a survey to see how well students from Otumoetai & Mount Maunganui Colleges, in Western Bay of Plenty were doing post Project K. The students attended College from 2010-2019.
View InfographicTackling troubling statistics
Here in Aotearoa statistics show that tamariki need our help. Across the country, we're working towards tackling these statistics and helping Kiwi kids overcome their obstacles. We've reached over 300,000 young people so far and with your help we can reach even more.
- Research and Evaluation Summary
- Engagement and Mentor Support
- Positive youth development profiles of cross-age peer mentors
Research and Evaluation Summary
This Research and Evaluation Summary provides details of recent research on our programmes. The report summarises recently published research articles, project reports and details research projects that are currently underway.
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